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The Afterglow of the Writers’ League Conference

WHAT a weekend at the Writers’ League of Texas Agents & Editors Conference! I’m still taking in much of what I heard on the panels and at Jeff Abbott’s wonderful keynote talk followed by Joshilyn Jackson’s hilarious recounting of

Here I am with Laura Cottam Sajbel, publisher and co-author of "Buoyant."
Here I am with Laura Cottam Sajbel, publisher and co-author of “Buoyant.”

how she came to get an agent and get published. It’s all still percolating in my head, not quite ready to emerge as a blog post, so that will be next.

The weekend ended on a high note when I had the pleasure of moderating a fiction genre group of seventeen attendees. First off, every ONE of them had requests from agents/editors to send partial of full manuscripts! And they were all so jazzed and excited. It’s going to be great fun to see what happens for all of them — plus, now I have some new writing pals!

Since my day job isn’t in the writing or publishing field, it’s a huge treat for me to be immersed in the conference bubble with so many of my favorite people in the literary business: Cynthia Leitich Smith, Greg Leitich Smith, Martha Hannah and Larry Dowell, Karleen Koen, Natalia Sylvester, Deanna Roy, Carol Dawson, Suzy Spencer (epic!), Scott Wiggerman and David Meischen (dos of the coolest gatos I know!), David Hale Smith, Larry Brill, Stephanie Barko, Beth Sample, Laura Cottam Sajbel, David Furlow, Jeff Abbott, and soooo many more.

Most of all, though, a huge shootout (and virtual cupcakes!) to Becka Oliver, Jennifer Ziegler, and the amazing Noelle for doing such an amazing job of throwing one of the best literary shindigs ever! And if you’re even thinking about coming for the 2015 conference, be sure to sign up whenever registration opens this fall!

If you attended the conference, what was your key takeaway or inspiring moment? 



4 thoughts on “The Afterglow of the Writers’ League Conference

  1. What a great conference, and thanks for moderating the fiction panel at the end, that was really helpful. I was inspired by the whole thing, since it was my first literary conference. But having agents actually want to see my work was the most inspiring.

    1. So glad, Dave! I can’t wait to see how your writing “fellowship” goes! You’re off to a MOST promising start (well, beyond start, but you know what I mean!). Cheers!

  2. Loved this post, Cyndi!  

    Nice job,


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