Bookbub may just have put together the real best books list of 2014 in a, well, novel way: The aggregated 23 different Best of 2014 lists — from The Washington Post and Library Journal to Buzzfeed and more — then ranked the titles based on the number of times each book was listed. Check out the cool infographic for the 20 books.
I’ll just come clean with this here (gulp): I haven’t read any of these books, but you can bet that several of these are on my list to read in 2015. David Mitchell’s The Bone Clocks is at the top of my list — along with one that didn’t make this list, The Book of Strange New Things, by Michel Faber.
What books were YOUR favorites in 2014? And what book from this list would you most like to read if you haven’t already?
I haven’t read any either. I’ll have to check them out.
Thanks, Pam! I just put “The Bone Clocks” on my Overdrive library wish list — we’ll see how long THAT takes!